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Bilingual Physics Teacher 双语物理老师, Remote

Bilingual Physics Teacher 双语物理老师

We are looking for a Bilingual Physics Teacher 双语物理老师 for a bilingual school based in Changzhou. This is a full-time position starting ASAP.


About the School

This school is already widely recognized as one of the best schools in the world and is fast developing into a top school in China. It offers the best of British and Chinese education in an English-speaking environment preparing pupils to enter leading universities. Most pupils go to either UK or US universities.


Job details

  • Teach the subject of Physics to high school students utilizing the A-level framework and ensuring an engaging and enriching learning experience
  • Preparing lessons and lectures, tutoring techniques, designing and correcting assessments, and writing report comments
  • Collaboratively teach alongside fellow educators, actively contributing to the development and enhancement of the school's curriculum
  • Assess and monitor students’ progress and provide targets so that all learners can succeed and improve
  • Provide clear and constructive feedback to students and their parents and caregivers
  • Develop supportive and safe learning environments








  • 利用A-level框架向高中生教授物理课程,并确保学生有参与性和丰富的学习体验
  • 准备课程和讲座,辅导技巧,设计和修改评估,撰写报告评论
  • 与其他教育工作者合作教学,积极为学校课程的发展和完善做出贡献
  • 评估和监督学生的进步,并制定目标,使所有学习者都能取得成功和进步
  • 向学生及其家长和照顾者提供清晰和建设性的反馈
  • 建立支持性和安全的学习环境


  • Bachelor degree or above in the related subject
  • Teaching certificate and familiar with A-level
  • Two or more years teaching experience in the subject
  • Excellent English and Mandarin communications skills
  • Fluent in Chinese and English


  • 相关专业本科以上学历
  • 教师资格证,熟悉A-level水平
  • 两年或以上本学科教学经验
  • 优秀的英语和普通话沟通能力
  • 中英文流利


Salary and benefits

  • Monthly Salary of 10,000 to 20,000 RMB commensurate with experience and qualifications
  • Free accommodation or housing allowance
  • Public holidays
  • Summer and Winter holidays
  • Medical Insurance for teachers


  • 月薪1 - 2万元,与经验和资历相适应
  • 免费住宿或住房津贴
  • 公众假期
  • 寒暑假
  • 教师医疗保险
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